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About Sarah J. Bell

**Update - Artist Statement for Graduate Work 2017-2018**

I grew up in a trailer park.  This statement alone tends to create a particular mental image that has affected how individuals act around me. I have been the victim of labeling based on hurtful stereotypes associated with my socioeconomic status and place of residence.  The anger, sadness, and sense of shame I have inherited as a result has fueled my desire to address this through my making.   I work with de-mythologizing underrepresented culture and bringing to light class-based issues.   The art I create is a reflection of my own reality and the environment that I grew up in.  I feel a strong connection to particular people and places, especially those associated with my youth.  Because of this I show true representations of both the individuals from my community and the experiences we were collectively a part of.  Much of my work utilizes skills or crafts learned from different members of my community in order to pay homage to those I was so fortunate to have as part of my trailer park family.  I incorporate crocheting my grandmother taught me, and needlepoint learned from a neighbor.  I also utilize upcycling in my work as learned and practiced in my community.  I work with actual experiences of a community in order to fight the current stereotypes associated with an underrepresented culture.

**Update 2016**

I have been recently very involved in pet portraiture.  I have painted a few commissioned works that I will be adding as time allows for it.  If you are interested in a portrait of your pet, please see my contact page.

About the artist 2013

I am a graduate of SUNY New Paltz currently pursuing a career in Visual Arts Education.  Creating art and sharing my experience with the world is my passion.  When I am not teaching or painting I like to spend my time in the greater outdoors just enjoying nature, or at home cooking.

My tool of choice is my brush, and oil paint my favorite medium.  There is something about mixing the colors and how the brush feels moving across a canvas.  For as long as I can remember I have been making art, but paint is my love.  I use it to express my thoughts, feelings and experience, while experimenting with different styles and techniques.


The choice of colors, thickness of paint, detail and overall style depends on how I feel about the subject I am painting.  I know a work is done when I can look at it and feel at peace.  When I see that all the colors reflect across the canvas the painting feels whole.


My most current group of work is an experimentation with limited color.  I also attempted to create a sense of motion through my use of various brush strokes.  Like with many of my prior works, my current ones focus on my thoughts, but also include some animal studies.

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